Community Care Centers
Community Care Centers

Healthcare on guard, partnering for elderly health

Centered around community hubs, HealthHub provides health monitoring for elderly individuals, helping them and their families keep a close eye on their health and become the first line of defense in healthcare.
Establish a healthy community

Establish a healthy community

Improve senior health and safety by empowering community caregivers with better understanding of seniors' conditions.

Lower healthcare costs

Lower healthcare costs

Reduce healthcare costs through early prevention and risk control, optimizing medical resources.

Increase awareness of elderly health management

Increase awareness of elderly health management

Encourage community health by promoting senior health awareness, hosting health events, and fostering community interaction for a stronger and healthier community.

Health Checkups

Health Checkups

Health checkup stations can be set up in community centers where residents can get their blood pressure, blood sugar, BMI, and other vital signs checked.

Care assistance

Care assistance

HealthHub provides health advice and reminders to improve caregivers’ knowledge and awareness.

Community emergency response

Community emergency response

Community centers can utilize the HealthHub system during emergencies to promptly assess residents' health status and needs.

Family care

Family care

HealthHub helps family members become more aware of elderly health conditions, allowing them to better care for elderly family members.

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